class | AboutWindow |
| An about window for the Definitto package.
class | AssetDatabaseUtils |
| Utilities for the Unity's Asset Database. This class is available only in the Editor.
class | AssetsMenu |
| Menu items for the Unity's Assets menu.
class | BuildCategory |
| The build category. More...
class | BuildCategoryExtensions |
| Editing extensions for build categories.
class | BuildType |
| Settings for each build type. More...
class | BuildTypeExtensions |
| Editor-only extensions for build types.
class | Define |
| A single define in the list. More...
class | DefineDrawer |
| The drawer for the define record.
class | DefineEvent |
| An event related to a define. More...
class | DefineMenu |
| The context menu for define.
class | DefineNameEvent |
| An event related to a define's name. More...
class | Defines |
| The list of defines. More...
class | DefinesAdaptor |
| A defines list adaptor for reordable list.
class | DefinesControl |
| Custom menu items for defines.
class | DefinesEditor |
| The defines editor for Inspector.
class | DefinesEvent |
| An event related to a defines list. More...
class | DefinesExtensions |
| Editing extensions for define lists.
class | DefinesPostprocessor |
| The post-processor for tracking the defines asset movement.
class | DefineState |
| The define activation state. More...
class | DefineStateEvent |
| An event related to a define state. More...
class | DefinittoEditorSettings |
| The Definitto settings for the Editor-only functionality. More...
class | DefinittoEditorSettingsEditor |
| A dummy editor to disable editing when using the release.
class | DefinittoEditorSettingsExtensions |
| Editing extensions for system settings.
class | DefinittoInfo |
| Global information about the Definitto project.
class | DefinittoSettings |
| The Definitto system configuration data. Available both in the Play and Editor modes. More...
class | DefinittoSettingsEditor |
| A dummy editor to disable editing when using the release.
class | DefinittoSettingsEvent |
| An event related to system settings. More...
class | DefinittoSettingsExtensions |
| Editing extensions for system settings.
class | DefinittoTutorial |
| The Definitto tutorial data for the tutorial window. More...
class | DefinittoTutorialEditor |
| A dummy editor to disable editing when using the release.
class | EditorGUILayoutUtils |
class | EditorSettingsEvent |
| An event related to editor settings.
class | EditorStylesUtils |
class | EditorUserBuildSettingsUtils |
| Utilities for editor user build settings EditorUserBuildSettings. Available in the Editor mode only.
class | GenericMenuExtensions |
| Extensions for UnityEditor.GenericMenu
class | Globals |
| Global static configuration of the project.
class | GraphicsUtils |
| Utilities for Unity's low-level Graphics API.
struct | GUIMultiSkinStyle |
| A style for both Professional and Personal editor skins. The choice is made depending on the EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin flag.
class | GUIUtils |
| Unity Editor GUI utilities.
class | Localizator |
| The localization root class. TODO: Put into a separate library and possibly rename to "LocaliTsar".
struct | LocalizedGUIContent |
| A localized GUIContent data.
struct | LocalizedText |
| A localized text.
class | Logger |
| A simple logging wrapper for the Definitto. End-users should not use this class.
class | Platform |
| The platform definition. More...
class | PlatformCategory |
| The platform category. More...
class | PlatformExtensions |
| Editor-only extensions for platforms.
class | Preferences |
| Definitto preferences with cache support.
class | SemVersion |
| A semantic version implementation. Conforms to v2.0.0 of http://semver.org/ Original source by Max Hauser: https://github.com/maxhauser/semver More...
class | SimpleHeaderEditor |
| Editor with a simle header.
class | TutorialWindow |
| Small Definitto tutorial.
class | Validator |
| Based on this code: https://gist.github.com/FabienDehopre/5245476 This class is available only in the Editor.
class | Watcher |
| The initialization and watching functionality for Definitto. The class is available only in the Editor mode.
enum | BuildCategoryId {
BuildCategoryId.All = -2,
BuildCategoryId.Active = -1,
BuildCategoryId.None = 0,
BuildCategoryId.Development = 100,
BuildCategoryId.Release = 200
} |
| The category of the build. More...
enum | BuildTypeId {
BuildTypeId.All = -2,
BuildTypeId.Active = -1,
BuildTypeId.None = 0,
BuildTypeId.Testing = 100,
BuildTypeId.Development = 200,
BuildTypeId.Preview = 300,
BuildTypeId.Release = 400
} |
| The build type identifier. More...
enum | AggregationPolicy { AggregationPolicy.All,
} |
| The aggregation policy for getting defines statuses. More...
enum | PlatformId {
PlatformId.All = -2,
PlatformId.Active = -1,
PlatformId.None = 0,
PlatformId.Editor = 100,
PlatformId.WindowsStore = 200,
PlatformId.Windows = 300,
PlatformId.iOS = 400,
PlatformId.Nintendo3DS = 500,
PlatformId.WiiU = 600,
PlatformId.WebGL = 700,
PlatformId.WebPlayer = 701,
PlatformId.tvOS = 800,
} |
| The type of platform operating systems. More...
enum | PlatformCategoryId {
PlatformCategoryId.All = -2,
PlatformCategoryId.Active = -1,
PlatformCategoryId.None = 0,
PlatformCategoryId.Editor = 100,
PlatformCategoryId.Hybrid = 200,
PlatformCategoryId.Desktop = 300,
PlatformCategoryId.Mobile = 400,
PlatformCategoryId.HandheldConsole = 500,
PlatformCategoryId.HomeConsole = 600,
PlatformCategoryId.Web = 700,
PlatformCategoryId.TV = 800
} |
| Platform category identifiers. More...