Definitto 1.1.0
The essential defines manager for the Unity game engine. API reference.
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 CBuildCategoryThe build category.
 CBuildTypeSettings for each build type.
 CDefineA single define in the list.
 CDefineEventAn event related to a define.
 CDefineNameEventAn event related to a define's name.
 CDefinesThe list of defines
 CDefinesEventAn event related to a defines list.
 CDefineStateThe define activation state.
 CDefineStateEventAn event related to a define state.
 CDefinittoEditorSettingsThe Definitto settings for the Editor-only functionality.
 CBuildTypeSettingsSettings for each build type.
 CPlatformSettingsThe settings for platform.
 CSubPlatformSettingsSub-platform settings.
 CDefinittoSettingsThe Definitto system configuration data. Available both in the Play and Editor modes.
 CDefinittoSettingsEventAn event related to system settings.
 CDefinittoTutorialThe Definitto tutorial data for the tutorial window.
 CPlatformThe platform definition.
 CPlatformCategoryThe platform category.
 CSemVersionA semantic version implementation. Conforms to v2.0.0 of Original source by Max Hauser: