const TArray< FTraitRecord > & | GetTraits () const |
| Get the trait records.
const FTraitRecord & | TraitAt (const int32 Index) const |
| Get a trait record at specified index.
int32 | TraitsNum () const |
| Get the number of traits in the subject.
const FFingerprint & | GetFingerprint () const |
| Get the cached fingerprint of the subject record.
const FTraitmark & | GetTraitmark () const |
| Get the cached traitmark of the subject record.
EFlagmark | GetFlagmark () const |
| Get the flagmark of the subject.
EApparatusStatus | SetFlagmark (const EFlagmark InFlagmark) |
| Set the flagmark of the subject.
EApparatusStatus | SetFlag (const EFlagmarkBit InFlag, bool bState=true) |
| Set the flagmark bit for the subject.
bool | HasFlag (const EFlagmarkBit InFlag) const |
| Check if the flagmark bit is set on the subject.
void * | GetTraitPtr (UScriptStruct *const TraitType) |
| Get the trait's data pointer.
const void * | GetTraitPtr (UScriptStruct *const TraitType) const |
| Get the trait's data pointer.
template<typename T > |
std::enable_if< IsTraitType< T >(), T * >::type | GetTraitPtr () |
| Get the trait's data pointer.
template<typename T > |
std::enable_if< IsTraitType< T >(), constT * >::type | GetTraitPtr () const |
| Get the trait's data pointer.
template<typename T > |
std::enable_if< IsTraitType< T >(), T & >::type | GetTraitRef () |
| Get the trait's data reference.
template<typename T > |
std::enable_if< IsTraitType< T >(), constT & >::type | GetTraitRef () const |
| Get the trait's data reference.
template<typename T > |
std::enable_if< IsTraitType< T >(), EApparatusStatus >::type | SetTrait (const T &InTrait) |
| Set a trait.
void * | ObtainTraitPtr (UScriptStruct *const TraitType) |
| Obtain a trait data pointer by its type.
template<typename T > |
std::enable_if< IsTraitType< T >(), T & >::type | ObtainTraitRef () |
| Obtain a trait data reference by its type.
bool | Contains (UScriptStruct *const TraitType) const |
| Check if the subject record contains a trait of specific type.
template<typename T > |
std::enable_if< IsTraitType< T >(), bool >::type | Contains () const |
| Check if the subject record contains a trait of specific type.
FSubjectRecord & | operator= (FSubjectRecord &&InSubjectRecord) |
| Move-assign the subject record from an another one.
FSubjectRecord & | operator= (const FSubjectRecord &InSubjectRecord) |
| Assign the subject record equal to an another record.
| FSubjectRecord () |
| Construct a new empty subject pack.
| FSubjectRecord (const FSubjectRecord &InSubjectRecord) |
| Initialize a subject record as a copy of another one.
| FSubjectRecord (FSubjectRecord &&InSubjectRecord) |
| Move-construct a new packed subject.
| FSubjectRecord (const FTraitmark &InTraitmark, const EFlagmark InFlagmark=FM_None) |
| Construct a new packed subject with a traitmark and a flagmark.
| FSubjectRecord (const FConstSubjectHandle &Subject, const EFlagmark FlagmarkMask=FM_AllUserLevel) |
| Construct a new subject record as a copy of an existing subject.
| FSubjectRecord (const FConstSubjectHandle &Subject, const FFilter &Mask) |
| Construct a new subject record as a copy of an existing subject masked with a filter.
void | PostSerialize (const FArchive &Archive) |
| Post-serialize the record via an archive.
template<typename AllocatorT > |
void | SerializeBin (const TArray< UScriptStruct *, AllocatorT > &InTraitTypes, const EFlagmark InFlagmark, FArchive &Archive) |
| Construct a new subject record from an archive with the trait types and flagmark supplied explicitly.
template<typename AllocatorT > |
void | SerializeBin (const TArray< UScriptStruct *, AllocatorT > &InTraitTypes, FArchive &Archive) |
| Construct a new subject record from an archive with the trait types supplied explicitly.
A subject packed in a localized container scope.
Unlike usual iterable subjects, the records are allowed to be serialized and authored in the Editor.
These are mainly used as templates (prefabs) when spawning the new subjects.