
This is an old revision of the document!


The newer and more robust way of processing your chains is through the process called operating.

You can easily operate on your chain via a C++ lambda and this is how you do it:

Chain->Operate([](const FChain::FCursor& Cursor, FMyTrait Trait)

The type of cursor here must match the type of the chain used. Note that you’re not allowed to acquire a reference to the trait while processing a non-solid chain, only its copy. So in order to operate on a solid chain, you could do something like this:

SolidChain->Operate([](const FSolidChain::FCursor& Cursor, FMyTrait& Trait)

Now you can change the properties (fields) of the trait directly, without copying involved.

Solid Chains also support a special type of operating - a multi-threaded one. The function to call is explicitly named with a Concurrently prefix and accepts two more arguments: the number of tasks to utilize and the minimum number of slots (Entity places) per each such task. For example:

SolidChain->OperateConcurrently([](const FSolidChain::FCursor& Cursor, FMyTrait& Trait)
}, 4, 32);

  • en/toolworks/docs/apparatus/operating.1630185133.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021/08/29 00:12
  • by vladius