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en:toolworks:docs:apparatus:operating [2022/05/04 16:41] – [Current Iteration Index] vladiusen:toolworks:docs:apparatus:operating [2023/01/14 13:13] (current) vladius
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 ==== Using a Lambda ==== ==== Using a Lambda ====
-You can easily operate on your chain via a C++ lambda and this is how you do it:+You can easily operate on your chain via a [[cpp>language/lambda|C++ lambda]] and this is how you do it:
 <code cpp> <code cpp>
 Chain->Operate([](FMyTrait Trait) Chain->Operate([](FMyTrait Trait)
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 available, excessive tasks not needed for that quantity won't be queued at all. available, excessive tasks not needed for that quantity won't be queued at all.
-==== Argument Delivery ====+==== Dependency Injection ====
 One great thing about operating is that the function arguments are actually resolved One great thing about operating is that the function arguments are actually resolved
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 You can actually ask for different contextual information within the loop. For example:<code cpp> You can actually ask for different contextual information within the loop. For example:<code cpp>
-Chain->Operate([](const FChain* Chain, FCursor& Cursor, ISubjective* Subjective, FMyTrait Trait, UMyDetail* Detail)+Chain->Operate([](const FChain* Chain, const FChainCursor& Cursor, ISubjective* Subjective, FMyTrait Trait, UMyDetail* Detail)
 { {
     ...     ...
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 Just in case you need to know the number of the current iterated Slot (i.e. Subject's place within the chain), use the dedicated [[appi>struct_t_chain_1_1_f_cursor.html#a18005eddb3a624bdabb76475c3863751|GetChainSlotIndex()]] method of the corresponding Cursor type, which can also be delivered using the [[#argument_delivery|aforementioned means]]:<code cpp> Just in case you need to know the number of the current iterated Slot (i.e. Subject's place within the chain), use the dedicated [[appi>struct_t_chain_1_1_f_cursor.html#a18005eddb3a624bdabb76475c3863751|GetChainSlotIndex()]] method of the corresponding Cursor type, which can also be delivered using the [[#argument_delivery|aforementioned means]]:<code cpp>
-SolidChain->Operate([](FPlacementTrait& Placement, const FCursor& Cursor)+SolidChain->Operate([](FPlacementTrait& Placement, const FSolidChainCursor& Cursor)
 { {
  Placement.Number = Cursor.GetChainSlotIndex();  Placement.Number = Cursor.GetChainSlotIndex();
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     Counter += Trait.Value;     Counter += Trait.Value;
 }); });
 +==== Direct Mechanism Operating ====
 +The Operating simplification goes as far as actually Operating on a Mechanism directly, like so:<code cpp>
 +Mechanism->Operate([](FGlowing Glowing, FHelmet Helmet)
 +    ...
 +This way the [[en:toolworks:docs:apparatus:filter|Filtering]] and the [[en:toolworks:docs:apparatus:enchaining|Enchaining]] is done automatically under the hood, deriving the necessary Components from the lambda arguments.
 +You can of course supply the Filter specification explicitly, overriding it.
 +So for example, if you want to specify an additional [[en:toolworks:docs:apparatus:trait|Trait]] and a [[en:toolworks:docs:apparatus:flag|Flagmark]] condition, do it like so:<code cpp>
 +Mechanism->Operate(FFilter::Make<FGlowing, FHelmet, FHero>(FM_Z), [](FGlowing Glowing, FHelmet Helmet)
 +    ...
 +The direct Operating mode is smart enough to deduce the type of the Chain used within the Operating process, so if you specify a reference to a Trait and/or a Solid Subject handle in your arguments list, the technique will essentially produce a [[en:toolworks:docs:apparatus:solidity|Solid]] iterating:<code cpp>
 +Mechanism->Operate([](FSolidSubjectHandle Subject, FGlowing& Glowing, FHelmet& Helmet)
 +    ...
 +You can still specify the Chain type explicitly as a first template argument to a method:<code cpp>
 +Mechanism->Operate<FSolidChain>([](FGlowing Glowing, FHelmet Helmet)
 +    // You logic within Solid semantics:
 +    ...
 +Concurrency variants are also provided by the direct interface:<code cpp>
 +Mechanism->OperateConcurrently([](FSolidSubjectHandle Subject, FGlowing& Glowing, FHelmet& Helmet)
 +    ...
 +}, /*Maximum number of threads=*/4, /*Minimum number of Subjects=*/16);
 </code> </code>
  • en/toolworks/docs/apparatus/operating.1651671665.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/05/04 16:41
  • by vladius