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en:toolworks:docs:apparatus:operating [2021/12/16 20:42] – [Argument Delivery] vladiusen:toolworks:docs:apparatus:operating [2023/01/14 13:13] (current) vladius
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 ==== Using a Lambda ==== ==== Using a Lambda ====
-You can easily operate on your chain via a C++ lambda and this is how you do it:+You can easily operate on your chain via a [[cpp>language/lambda|C++ lambda]] and this is how you do it:
 <code cpp> <code cpp>
 Chain->Operate([](FMyTrait Trait) Chain->Operate([](FMyTrait Trait)
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 available, excessive tasks not needed for that quantity won't be queued at all. available, excessive tasks not needed for that quantity won't be queued at all.
-==== Argument Delivery ====+==== Dependency Injection ====
 One great thing about operating is that the function arguments are actually resolved One great thing about operating is that the function arguments are actually resolved
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 You can actually ask for different contextual information within the loop. For example:<code cpp> You can actually ask for different contextual information within the loop. For example:<code cpp>
-Chain->Operate([](const FChain* Chain, Cursor& Cursor, ISubjective* Subjective, FMyTrait Trait, UMyDetail* Detail)+Chain->Operate([](const FChain* Chain, const FChainCursor& Cursor, ISubjective* Subjective, FMyTrait Trait, UMyDetail* Detail)
 { {
     ...     ...
 +==== Current Iteration Index ====
 +Just in case you need to know the number of the current iterated Slot (i.e. Subject's place within the chain), use the dedicated [[appi>struct_t_chain_1_1_f_cursor.html#a18005eddb3a624bdabb76475c3863751|GetChainSlotIndex()]] method of the corresponding Cursor type, which can also be delivered using the [[#argument_delivery|aforementioned means]]:<code cpp>
 +SolidChain->Operate([](FPlacementTrait& Placement, const FSolidChainCursor& Cursor)
 + Placement.Number = Cursor.GetChainSlotIndex();
 }); });
 </code> </code>
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 While conceptually not very clean it is sometime useful to stop the actual processing (iterating) of the chain While conceptually not very clean it is sometime useful to stop the actual processing (iterating) of the chain
-in a manualpremature way. This can be easily accomplished with a dedicated [[appi>struct_t_chain.html#aec97fe73be3d6d9f4c279c7427ed99d6|method]].+prematurelymanually. This can be easily accomplished with a dedicated [[appi>struct_t_chain.html#aec97fe73be3d6d9f4c279c7427ed99d6|method]].
 For example:<code cpp> For example:<code cpp>
Line 86: Line 95:
     Counter += Trait.Value;     Counter += Trait.Value;
 }); });
 +==== Direct Mechanism Operating ====
 +The Operating simplification goes as far as actually Operating on a Mechanism directly, like so:<code cpp>
 +Mechanism->Operate([](FGlowing Glowing, FHelmet Helmet)
 +    ...
 +This way the [[en:toolworks:docs:apparatus:filter|Filtering]] and the [[en:toolworks:docs:apparatus:enchaining|Enchaining]] is done automatically under the hood, deriving the necessary Components from the lambda arguments.
 +You can of course supply the Filter specification explicitly, overriding it.
 +So for example, if you want to specify an additional [[en:toolworks:docs:apparatus:trait|Trait]] and a [[en:toolworks:docs:apparatus:flag|Flagmark]] condition, do it like so:<code cpp>
 +Mechanism->Operate(FFilter::Make<FGlowing, FHelmet, FHero>(FM_Z), [](FGlowing Glowing, FHelmet Helmet)
 +    ...
 +The direct Operating mode is smart enough to deduce the type of the Chain used within the Operating process, so if you specify a reference to a Trait and/or a Solid Subject handle in your arguments list, the technique will essentially produce a [[en:toolworks:docs:apparatus:solidity|Solid]] iterating:<code cpp>
 +Mechanism->Operate([](FSolidSubjectHandle Subject, FGlowing& Glowing, FHelmet& Helmet)
 +    ...
 +You can still specify the Chain type explicitly as a first template argument to a method:<code cpp>
 +Mechanism->Operate<FSolidChain>([](FGlowing Glowing, FHelmet Helmet)
 +    // You logic within Solid semantics:
 +    ...
 +Concurrency variants are also provided by the direct interface:<code cpp>
 +Mechanism->OperateConcurrently([](FSolidSubjectHandle Subject, FGlowing& Glowing, FHelmet& Helmet)
 +    ...
 +}, /*Maximum number of threads=*/4, /*Minimum number of Subjects=*/16);
 </code> </code>
  • en/toolworks/docs/apparatus/operating.1639676551.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021/12/16 20:42
  • by vladius