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en:toolworks:docs:apparatus:extended-tutorial [2022/06/10 18:47] jisparen:toolworks:docs:apparatus:extended-tutorial [2022/06/12 13:52] – Немного поправил jispar
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     - Cube relative scale : ''(X=0.500000,Y=9.000000,Z=6.250000)''     - Cube relative scale : ''(X=0.500000,Y=9.000000,Z=6.250000)''
     - SpotLight absolute location: ''(X=10.000000,Y=0.000000,Z=283.000000)''     - SpotLight absolute location: ''(X=10.000000,Y=0.000000,Z=283.000000)''
 +    - SpotLight absolute rotation: ''(Pitch=-90.000000,Yaw=-107.002370,Roll=107.002370)''
     - You can copy and paste this values from the tutorial text to your editor, like it was described in the [[en:toolworks:docs:apparatus:beginner#implementation|first tutorial]] (see step 8)     - You can copy and paste this values from the tutorial text to your editor, like it was described in the [[en:toolworks:docs:apparatus:beginner#implementation|first tutorial]] (see step 8)
   - Drag and drop the ''M_CobbleStone_Rough'' material from the ''BasicMaterials'' folder in the Content Browser to the cube in the viewport. As you can see, the scale of the texture is a little huge. We will solve that by creating a new static mesh via Engine brush editing mode for geometry. So, firstly, in the viewport click ''Lit'' to select other view mode - ''Unlit''. This will help you to see all objects on the map even without lighting. Then in the ''Place actors'' window select ''Geometry'' kit and add a Box to the map.<WRAP center round tip 60%>   - Drag and drop the ''M_CobbleStone_Rough'' material from the ''BasicMaterials'' folder in the Content Browser to the cube in the viewport. As you can see, the scale of the texture is a little huge. We will solve that by creating a new static mesh via Engine brush editing mode for geometry. So, firstly, in the viewport click ''Lit'' to select other view mode - ''Unlit''. This will help you to see all objects on the map even without lighting. Then in the ''Place actors'' window select ''Geometry'' kit and add a Box to the map.<WRAP center round tip 60%>
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 If you have any troubles in this step, just check our short video that explain, how to create a new static mesh via UE geometry. {{youtube>Cd_JA6xS5Hw?medium}} If you have any troubles in this step, just check our short video that explain, how to create a new static mesh via UE geometry. {{youtube>Cd_JA6xS5Hw?medium}}
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-  - The ''SM_WallMainMenu'' will be used only in the main menu, so let's move it to the ''MainMenu'' folder. Perfect, now we need to add game logo to the wall. To do so, open the operating system file browser, navigate to the path, where the logo image is stored, and drag and drop the image file from the file browser to the Content Browser inside Unreal Engine to the ''MainMenu'' folder. Rename added texture to ''T_GameLogo''. Go to ''Place Actors'' window and search for ''Decal Actor''. Drag and drop it to the level scene. Next, we have to create a material for it. Navigate back to the Content Browser and perform right mouse button click on the logo texture. Select "Create Material". Name it ''M_GameLogo''. Double click on new saved asset to open material editor. Click on the result node of the material and in details panel select [[ue>../../4.27/en-US/Resources/ContentExamples/MaterialProperties/1_5/|material domain]] to the ''Deferred Decal''. Make [[ue>material-blend-modes-in-unreal-engine/|Blend Mode]] to be ''Translucent''. Connect ''RGB'' output of the texture to the ''Base Color'' of the result node, but the ''A'' output (alpha-channel) to the ''Opacity'' parameter, as so:{{ :en:toolworks:docs:apparatus:decal-material.png?nolink |}}+  - The ''SM_WallMainMenu'' will be used only in the main menu, so let's move it to the ''MainMenu'' folder.<WRAP center round important 60%> 
 +When you move assets from different folders, Unreal Engine will generate so-called //redirectors//. While it is normal for them to appear in development build, you should avoid their existence in production build, that means, you should fix them. To find out all the redirectors in the project, go to the root ("All") folder in the Content Browser and in [[ue>../../4.27/en-US/Basics/ContentBrowser/UserGuide/Filters/|filters]] select "Miscellaneous" -> "Redirector". After that you will be able to see redirectors in your project. Select them all, perform right mouse button click and select "Fix up". You should fix up all redirectors before creating a product, as it also specified in [[https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/marketplace-guidelines#21g|Marketplace guidelines]]. 
 +</WRAP>Perfect, now we need to add game logo to the wall. To do so, open the operating system file browser, navigate to the path, where the logo image is stored, and drag and drop the image file from the file browser to the Content Browser inside Unreal Engine to the ''MainMenu'' folder. Rename added texture to ''T_GameLogo''. Go to ''Place Actors'' window and search for ''Decal Actor''. Drag and drop it to the level scene. Next, we have to create a material for it. Navigate back to the Content Browser and perform right mouse button click on the logo texture. Select "Create Material". Name it ''M_GameLogo''. Double click on new saved asset to open material editor. Click on the result node of the material and in details panel select [[ue>../../4.27/en-US/Resources/ContentExamples/MaterialProperties/1_5/|material domain]] to the ''Deferred Decal''. Make [[ue>material-blend-modes-in-unreal-engine/|Blend Mode]] to be ''Translucent''. Connect ''RGB'' output of the texture to the ''Base Color'' of the result node, but the ''A'' output (alpha-channel) to the ''Opacity'' parameter, as so:{{ :en:toolworks:docs:apparatus:decal-material.png?nolink |}}
   - Save and apply the material. Go to the Content Browser and select the material ''M_GameLogo'', then select the decal actor on the map, go to its details panel and under the ''Decal material'' option click the ''Use selected asset from Content Browser'' button. Locate the decal actor correctly, so it will be placed on the wall, like this:{{ :en:toolworks:docs:apparatus:decal-location.png?nolink |}}   - Save and apply the material. Go to the Content Browser and select the material ''M_GameLogo'', then select the decal actor on the map, go to its details panel and under the ''Decal material'' option click the ''Use selected asset from Content Browser'' button. Locate the decal actor correctly, so it will be placed on the wall, like this:{{ :en:toolworks:docs:apparatus:decal-location.png?nolink |}}
     - Location: ''(X=-40.000000,Y=10.000000,Z=110.000000)''     - Location: ''(X=-40.000000,Y=10.000000,Z=110.000000)''
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 ===== UI basic logic ===== ===== UI basic logic =====
 +Here we will solve other steps that were introduced in the paragraph above. We need to create 3 different widgets and animations for them. All the widget manipulation will be done via special HUD class. So:
 +  - Go to ''MainMenu'' folder in the Content Browser and [[ue>creating-blueprint-classes-in-unreal-engine/#usingtheassetview|create]] a new HUD class (derived from ''HUD''). Name it ''BP_MainMenuHUD''. Click on the diagram-like button on the up Editor menu, under "World Override" go to the "Game Mode: Not overridden!" option, select "Create" -> "MechanicalGameMode".{{ :en:toolworks:docs:apparatus:create-main-menu-gamemode.png?nolink |}}
 +  - In the pop-up window name new created blueprint like ''BP_MenuGameMode'' and place it under ''MainMenu'' folder. In the opened BP Editor navigate to [[ue>setting-up-a-game-mode-in-unreal-engine/|details panel]] and make ''HUD Class'' option to be ''BP_MainMenuHUD''. Then go to the graph editor and disable joystick like so:{{ :en:toolworks:docs:apparatus:disable-joystick.png?nolink |}}
 +  - Now we need to add animation of light source swaying. We will perform this logic in the GameMode BP using ECS. Go to the level editor, select ''SpotLight'' object and add a ''Subjective Actor'' component to it via details panel. Create a new detail BP called ''D_Swaying'' in the ''MainMenu'' folder. In the details panel of recently added subjective component add this detail to the spotlight.{{ :en:toolworks:docs:apparatus:swaying-detail.png?nolink |}}
 +  - Next, select SpotLight actor and make it [[ue>BuildingWorlds/LightingAndShadows/LightMobility/|moveable]] via details panel. Go to the newly added detail BP editor and add some variables:
 +    - ''Original'' of type "Rotator" with "Instance editable" flag enabled.
 +    - ''Amplitude'' of type "float" with "Instance editable" flag enabled.
 +    - ''Speed'' of type "float" with "Instance editable" flag enabled.
 +    - ''CurrentAngle''  of type "float" (without "Instance editable").<WRAP center round tip 60%>
 +You can add description to every new variable. ''Original'' - is the premier rotate parameter of the spotlight, ''Amplitude'' is the maximum angle of which we will rotate the light source, 
 +''Speed'' variable define, how fast the swaying would be, but the ''CurrentAngle'' is the current state of rotation.
 +  - We will perform the rotation logic like so: ''CurrentAngle'' is the value in degrees of the angle in the unit circle. Every tick this value is increased by ''Speed'' parameter multiplied by [[ue>BlueprintAPI/AddEvent/EventTick/|DeltaSeconds]]. To get the rotation of each tick, we need to get the ''Roll'' and ''Yaw'' attributes from the ''Original'' structure, but the ''Pitch'' parameter will be achieved by the math function: ''Original.Pitch +  Amplitude * sin(CurrentAngle)''. Easy though? So let's create a few simple functions in the detail Blueprint:
 +    - ''Calculate Next Angle'': Increase a ''CurrentAngle'' value by ''Speed'' multiplied by ''DeltaSeconds''. If new value is greater then ''360.0'', then turn it back to that range. The function must obtain the ''DeltaSeconds'' value as float argument.{{ :en:toolworks:docs:apparatus:calculate-next-angle.png?nolink |}}
 +    - ''GetPitch'': perform the math function above. It will calculate a current pitch based on the values of ''Original'', ''CurrentAngle'' and ''Amplitude'':{{ :en:toolworks:docs:apparatus:getpitch-function.png?nolink |}}
 +    - ''GetNextRotator'': the **pure** function that will use previous helpers to return a full rotator that the actor should be set to. Function must obtain the ''DeltaSeconds'' value as float argument:{{ :en:toolworks:docs:apparatus:get-next-rotator-func.png?nolink |}}
 +    - Please, make ''GetPitch'' and ''Calculate Next Angle'' to be private, but the ''Original'' variable to be "Blueprint Read Only".
 +  - Now let's navigate to menu GameMode and in event graph write down our mechanic. To do so, drag pin from ''Event Tick'' and create a new node - ''Sequence''. Find out the mechanic BP node and connect them. Click ''Add pin'' and in detail field select ''D_Swaying''. Next, we need to get Actor reference from Subjective interface and if it is valid, then just set its rotation by using ''SetActorRotation'' node (''Teleport physics'' flag may be empty). As you remember, the function ''GetNextRotator'' require ''DeltaSeconds''. The last value can be accessed from ''Event Tick'' event. Promote it to variable, so you will not get spaghetti BP. The full GameMode Blueprint must be like this:{{ :en:toolworks:docs:apparatus:gamemode-swaying-mechanic.png?nolink |}}<WRAP center round info 60%>
 +It is worth to check for the actor validity, because the ''D_Swaying'' detail can be added to non-actor Subjective.
 +</WRAP><WRAP center round help 60%>
 +If you have some strange extra pins on the Mechanic node like this:{{ :en:toolworks:docs:apparatus:mechanic-error.jpg?nolink |}}Then try to reload Unreal project.
 +  - Go to the level editor and set up detail in the SpotLight accurately:{{ :en:toolworks:docs:apparatus:swaying-detail-parameters.png?nolink |}}
 +    - Original rotator: ''(Pitch=-90.000000,Yaw=-107.002370,Roll=107.002370)'' (The same as SpotLight absolute rotation);
 +    - Amplitude: ''17'';
 +    - Speed: ''80''.
 +  - Go to the project settings and in ''Supported Platforms'' remove all flags except for Android. **Find** ''Support Movable Spotlights'' and ''Support Movable SpotlightShadows'' settings and **enable** them both.
 +  - Launch your game on the Android device (if you have one).<WRAP center round help 60%>
 +Here are some advices of how to launch the game on the real device, because sometimes this step is just a headache for developers:
 +  - Before launching on the device, reopen your UE in administrator mode, as it mentioned [[https://forums.unrealengine.com/t/packaging-fails-with-unauthorizedaccessexception-access-to-the-path-c-program-files-epic-games-ue_4-18-engine-programs-automationtool-saved-is-denied/416792|here]].
 +  - To ensure that your device is connected to the computer, open [[https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cmd.exe|cmd]] and run ''adb devices''. You should see your device and its id in the output. The last command is included in Android Studio [[https://developer.android.com/studio/releases/platform-tools|platform-tools]], that is can be located in the path ''C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools''.
 +  - Go to the [[https://developer.android.com/studio/intro/update#sdk-manager|Android Studio SDK manager]] and install ''Android 10.0+ (R)'' (that is API version of 30) or ''Android 10.0 (Q)'' (API 29) and uninstall ''Android API 33''.
 +  - In UE projects settings find ''Android SDK'' section and set these settings: ''SDK API level'' to ''29'' and ''NDK API level'' to ''android-29'' (as it suggested [[https://forums.unrealengine.com/t/failed-to-open-descriptor-file-android/467113/11?u=prikalel|here]]).
 +  - Go to UE project settings and [[https://docs.unrealengine.com/5.0/en-US/setting-up-unreal-engine-projects-for-android-development/|configure your project for android]].
 +  - You can try other build formats (like ''Multi'' or ''DXT'') as it mentioned [[https://forums.unrealengine.com/t/failed-to-open-descriptor-file-android/467113/9?u=prikalel|here]].
 +  - To solve ''Failed to open descriptor file'' [[https://forums.unrealengine.com/t/failed-to-open-descriptor-file-android/467113/9?u=prikalel|error]], you can try to create a [[https://docs.unrealengine.com/4.27/en-US/SharingAndReleasing/Mobile/Android/PackagingAndroidProject/|build and install]] the game with ''bat''-script. 
 +  - Other solutions can be found [[https://forums.unrealengine.com/t/android-builds-do-not-work-anymore/139067/7?u=prikalel|here]], but anyway, just try to find your problem in [[https://forums.unrealengine.com/|Google]] or write your problem to [[https://discord.gg/PzZUfgHR8m|us]] directly.
 +  - Check your device API level with [[https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cpuid.cpu_z&hl=ru&gl=US|CPU-Z]] application.
  • en/toolworks/docs/apparatus/extended-tutorial.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/08/18 17:06
  • by jispar