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en:toolworks:docs:apparatus:ecs [2021/04/08 00:57] vladiusen:toolworks:docs:apparatus:ecs [2021/04/08 11:03] vladius
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-====== Introduction to ECS======+====== Introduction to ECS ======
-//ECS+ is a newer data-driven programming paradigm based on ECS and implemented in Apparatus.// +Talking about object-oriented programming (OOP), we consider our practical task as multiplicity of special abstract things. In terms of Unreal Engine these abstractions are mainly called Objectsor ''UObjects'' if we are talking about C++ coding. Furthermore we apply a common principle like an inheritance model upon them. We create some main abstraction layer called 'base class', define some properties (i.e. variables and functions) in it and then by deriving a new type from that class we create other abstractions which in turn get all the parental properties and also define their own additional, distinctive ones. A quite popular example for that approach is a tree of animal inheritance, where base class represents any animal existing, while the others (derived from the base one) represent some separate animal sorts and kinds:
- +
-Talking about OOP (object-oriented programming), we consider our practical task as multiplicity of special abstract things. In terms of Unreal Engine these abstractions are mainly called Objects (or ''UObjects'' code-wise). Furthermore we apply a principle like an inheritance upon them. We create some main abstraction layer called 'Base class', define some properties (i.e. variables and functions) and by deriving from that class we can create other abstractions which in turn get all the parent properties and define their own additional, distinctive ones. The most popular example for that approach is a tree of animal inheritance, where the base class represent any animal existing, but the others (derived from the base one) represent some separate animal sorts and kinds:+
 {{ :en:toolworks:docs:oop-example.jpg?nolink |}} {{ :en:toolworks:docs:oop-example.jpg?nolink |}}
-By using the base class properties we can change the current state of the objects in the derived classBut the problem is the game logic can become too scattered across those classes and layers.+By altering the base class properties we also change the current state of the whole object of a derived typeWe can also use some "virtual" overridable methods to modify the behavior for the derived classes. The problem here is that a game logic can become too scattered across those classes and layers, essentially making those layers horizontal as opposed to a vertical inheritance.
-A solution to this game development problem is an approach called [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entity_component_system|ECS]]. +A solution to this game development problem could be an approach called [[wp>Entity_component_system|ECS]]. 
-Apparatus provides all of the basic ECS idioms and even more. To be unambiguous the framework it uses a different naming scheme as compared to classic ECS. Here is the list of analogous terms:+ 
 +Apparatus provides all of the basic ECS idioms and even more. To be unambiguous (and self-sustained, actually) our framework uses a different naming scheme as compared to the classic ECS. Here is the list of analogous terms:
 ^ ECS Term            ^ Apparatus Term  ^ ^ ECS Term            ^ Apparatus Term  ^
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 | Archetype           | Fingerprint     | | Archetype           | Fingerprint     |
 | Chunk               | Belt            | | Chunk               | Belt            |
 +==== About ECS+ ====
 +Apparatus takes a broader approach on ECS that we essentially call ECS+ over here. It introduces a greater amount of flexibility with the help of detail (component) inheritance support and sparse expandable, dynamic belts (chunks and archetypes), subject (entity) booting, etc. The term ECS+ in itself should be treated as more of a synonym for the "Apparatus" wording itself, since the product actually implements it and uses a different terminology from the ground up.
 +Generally speaking, in our own development philosophy, engineering should never be "pure" or "mathematically correct" but mainly applicable and useful to the end user and/or the developer. Unreal Engine in itself is actually a good demonstration of this approach with so many special cases and design patterns. By having both OOP and ECS patterns combined Apparatus takes the best of three worlds, with UE's blueprint world counted.
 ==== Built-in Subjects ==== ==== Built-in Subjects ====
  • en/toolworks/docs/apparatus/ecs.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/12/18 15:19
  • by jispar